Author: Reinhold Urmetzer

40 On Thinking II (Baudrillard V)

Concerning the Absurd in Thinking and Argumentation The following is concerned with the question, whether Baudrillard’s speaking, thinking, and philosophizing is an “elegant nonsense” (the Sokal Affair), or indeed might mean yet something else. You will perhaps have thought, in reading these passages from and about Baudrillard: what nonsense! I don’t understand a single thing anymore. What the devil is...

39 Baudrillard (4)

On Desiring There is no desiring; the only desiring exists in desiring to be the destiny of another, and for him to become an event that surpasses every subjectivity, that checkmates every possible subjectivity; to be that which displaces the subject himself into a definitively objective passion, in that it displaces the subject from his own and all other goals,...

38 Jean Baudrillard (3)

On Seduction How could we look someone in the eye, how would we seduce them if we are not sure that they are still there?1 Seduction, after Baudrillard’s analysis, can no longer exist at this, the end-stage of societal development in our present age, because neither a seducer nor a seductee cannot exist. That is: Subject and Object alike, in...

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