Author: Reinhold Urmetzer

34 On Seduction

On Seduction (1) – Thoughts on desire and sensuality “On Seduction (1)” by Reinhold Urmetzer Reinhold Urmetzer gives readers of “On Seduction (1)” an insight into seduction and the philosophy surrounding it. Desire is essential to the human reproduction cycle. If people felt no attraction for others, there would be no more offspring and the human race would soon die...

33 Achim Kubinski

The Stuttgart Artist and Gallery-Owner Achim Kubinski is Dead He had already died on the 17th of December 2013, in Berlin. Although in my life I only exchanged a few sentences with him, he played a fundamental part in shaping my life; to such an extent, that it was he who confronted me with the French philosophers and made them...

32 On Seduction (1)

Foreword Many years ago in a library I came across a volume of Cicero, the “Letters to Atticus.”i I thumbed through the book, seeking nothing in particular, and was curious about certain passages that did not in any way represent the preconceptions of that dreadfully boring Latin I had held since my time in school. I discovered there a very...

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