Author: Reinhold Urmetzer

16 Afterword of the Translator

Translation of texts such as these is an edge-case where translation becomes a task much closer to that of creative writing itself: the various blog entries, in their deliberate ambiguity, occasional punning or word- play, their resorting at times to cultural signifiers specific not only to the language but occasionally to the region and generation of the author, and in...

15 Departing Ships

DEPARTING SHIPS C O N C E P T Dance Theater in nine Tableaux by Reinhold Urmetzer for Female Voice (mezzo-soprano) small Instrumental Ensemble (classical) Speaker and Dance Group Tape Playback with Disco Music Solo Dancers: Achilles, Patroclus, Odysseus, Thetis, Brisēís (beloved of Achilles) Note: if the dance theater is to be staged in a more politically directed manner, the...

14 Thetis Project

Departing Ships Draft Press Release In the beginning, there was a message in a bottle, stranded on one of the countless seacoasts. Inside, a celebratory text, an ode to the ancient sea-goddess Thetis, which she had written for her son Achilles, on his way to Troy. It is a text on present and future, of life, love, and death. With...

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