Category: Allgemein

 7 Over-Complex Thinking and Writing (Part 2)

The following interview is a lonely summit among my journalistic publications. It was directed aggressively against the forced feminism of a very feminist-dominated paper; it is turned against the all-knowing superior attitude of so-called experts, and ironises their belief in science (philology, psychoanalysis). The double meaning of my proposed title, as it appears below, was itself – for the otherwise...

6 Over-Complex Thinking and Writing (Part 1)

The following comprises two spectacular interviews with Jean Pierre Dubost, which I published in the Berliner Newspaper die taz in the 80s. Die taz was, in its early phase, very experimental, insolent, politically undogmatic; its exemplar was the Parisian daily Libération: Question every kind of power, battle against every dictatorship in the world (foremost the Stalinists over in the East),...

5 On Understanding and Speaking Proficiency

On Understanding and Speaking Proficiency Posting to Twitter, I’ve mentioned the “perverse e-communication.” I remain extremely doubtful, what exactly one should make of our new communications tools, although I resort to them with increasing frequency. As replacement for the telephone this form of contact/encounter/relationship might be sometimes good, sometimes bad. One might have reacted just as skeptically in a previous...

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