34 On Seduction
On Seduction (1) – Thoughts on desire and sensuality
Desire is essential to the human reproduction cycle. If people felt no attraction for others, there would be no more offspring and the human race would soon die out. But for (most) humans, desire and love are more than just a base instinct. Thousands of books have been written about the love between men and women, men and men, women and women, etc. The author sought advice and wisdom from the philosophers of the past, and of the present. In his blog, he creates art, music, and culture for a broad audience. In his new book, he combines his insights from his research into seduction, desire, and sensuality to offer readers an interesting overview of how philosophy and psychology saw desire over time.
Readers will be fascinated by “On Seduction (1)” by Reinhold Urmetzer, especially the author’s belief that the human race has arrived at the end of the age of love, meaning that love in the romantic sense will soon die out. He explains his reasoning by looking back into the past and projecting developments into the future. The author’s observations on love ring true and, considering our current society and what seems to be important to it, some of his predictions may indeed come true. Reinhold Urmetzer’s book is worthwhile and offers a plenty of food for thought.
“On Seduction (1)” by Reinhold Urmetzer is now available from tredition or can be ordered through retail using ISBN 978-3-7439-4502-9. tredition assists young and unknown authors with publishing their own books, but also cooperates with publishers and publishing houses. tredition publishes books in print and digital formats, distributes locally and online, and actively markets all titles.
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Coming soon: On Seduction(2)